Tuesday, September 6, 2016

On the Line

Greetings from Scribbler!

Fifth and Sixth grade art students are up to their elbows in lines! Fifth grade learned the five directions lines travel (no, really, there are only five - and they all start with a point made by their pencils!) They are: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, zigzag, and curvilinear. Now, they are experimenting with how lines and colors can make the person viewing the artwork feel happy, or sad, or even scared! (Prepare to see some awesome artwork coming your way!)

Sixth grade reviewed the ways lines travel, and now they're working on an artwork using only black and white - they are finding it to be quite a challenge, but are rising to meet it! They looked at a work of art by Albrecht Durer, a German artist who lived and worked during the Renaissance. He was so talented, he was working as a commissioned artist by the age of 15!

Stay tuned for pictures as students finish their work!

Until then,
Respectfully submitted,


Friday, August 19, 2016

Welcome to the Art Room!

Hello everyone! Scribbler here. Oh, wait, maybe I should introduce myself.
I'm Scribbler, Mrs. Kelly's trusty pencil. She often tucks me or one of my pencil friends behind her ear so we're right there when she needs us. I would have included a picture of myself, but I'd like to keep my identity secret, because I'm the only one who can communicate on my own. You know how it goes. Talking pencil with a little writing ability...really smart student....the next thing you know, we're talking world domination, and I'm not ready for that!

The Art Room is my favorite place to be. Mrs. Kelly encourages students to unleash their creativity with lots of different art projects, In fact, the fifth grade is going to be doing a little role playing with their first project! They will look at some art work by the artist Georges de La Tour - I think he was French - and he lived in the 1600s. (He must be really old!) You might want to look up some of his work. He was famous for working with a technique called chiaroscuro. More about that in art class!

Sixth grade is going to be experimenting with black line, pattern, and contrast. Wow, that's a mouthful! And, I hear there's no specific theme - creativity, here we come!

She's hoping everyone will remember to bring pencils, or leave them in the portfolios, but not to worry, she always has some to borrow!

Have a great school year - we can't wait to see you in class!
